Introduction to series/book

October 14, 2019 - Harvesting the Wheat

Worship the Holy God in Spirit and in Truth

Looking For Jesus (April 12, 2020 AM)

The Spirit shows you Jesus

God's Only Begotten Son, Our Lord (October 4, 2020 AM)

Do Our Works Matter?

Refusal to Believe (John 12:37-43) (03/28/2021 PM)

Soul-Satisfying Grace (February 28, 2021 AM)

How God Prunes Our Lives with His Word (February 21, 2021 PM)

The Kingdom of Heaven is Opened Through the Testimony of Jesus (John 3:22-36) (05.09.2021 PM)

I was Blind, but Now I See (John 9) (08.15.2021 PM)

Jesus, Priceless Treasure (John 12:1-8) (09.26.2021 PM)

Behold, your King! (John 12:12-19) (10.10.2021 AM)

Born Again! (John 3:5) (12.19.2021 PM)

O Christ, Our Hope, Our Heart's Desire (John 20:1-18) (4.9.2023 AM)