Sunday School
Partway through the afternoon worship service, the young children are invited to Sunday School to learn more about God and the Bible through interactive, craft-filled fun. This is taught by mature members in our congregation and borrows from resources provided by Great Commission Publications.
Our pastor catechizes the older children and young adults of the church. “Catechism” and “catechize” are terms taken from the Greek word katecheo meaning “to teach”; this word is found in the New Testament. In our church we use as teaching aids our confessional documents (see the Beliefs page for links to these documents). Children begin studying the Heidelberg Catechism the year they enter Grade 6 in school and carry on with catechism classes until they complete Grade 12. Ideally, they will have been exposed to the Heidelberg Catechism by their parents already at a much younger age. It is the hope and prayer of all the professing believers within our church that the children will join them in making a public profession of faith in Jesus before too long. These catechism classes help teach them the content of the Christian faith; Lord willing, this doctrinal knowledge will take root in their hearts and lead them to desire to make a public commitment to God.
New Member’s Class
After you have visited with us for a while, it is our hope that the Spirit of God will impress upon your heart the truth of the message we proclaim. This will inevitably have consequences, one of the most significant being a desire to join yourselves to the church of Christ. We will be overjoyed when this happens, and will look forward to welcoming you as a member. To ensure that you understand what you are committing to and to encourage and guide you in these early days, we require first that you meet with our pastor for a short course of study. He will walk you through the basics of Christian doctrine and church membership, paving the way for you to join in the privileges of full communion with the people of God.