Introduction to series/book

The King of Kings (September 27, 2020 PM)

Out of Egypt I Called My Son (December 20, 2020 AM)

Jesus Christ Has Died For Us! (Matt 27:45-54) (03/28/2021 AM)

Bearing Witness to Resurrection Life (December 20, 2020 PM)

A Meal for Pilgrims (Matt 26:26-29) (04.18.2021 PM)

Poor in Spirit and the Mission of the Church (Matt 5:3) (07.18.2021 PM)

DESIRE: The Most Important Desire (Matt 11:28-30) (08.22.2021 AM)

The Top Priority (Matthew 6:33) (09.26.2021 AM)

The Great Commission: Your Great Privilege (Matt 28:16-20) (5.8.2022 PM)

Your Greatest Calling (Matt 28:19-20) (9.10.2023 AM)

The Power and Presence of Jesus (Mat 28:16-20) (4.7.2024 PM)

Raising Children in the Fear of the Lord (March 7, 2021 PM)

The Secret to a Strong Church (Eph 4:1-16) (05.23.2021 PM)

One Lord (Ephesians 4:1-6) (08.012.2021 PM)

The Power of Forgiveness (Ephesians 4:32) (11.07.2021 PM)

Standing Strong in His Strength (Eph 6:10-13) (1.28.2024 PM)