Introduction to series/book
June 3, 2018 AM - God's Sovereign Election
Equally Guilty, Amazing Grace
The Holy Spirit's Power
How to Win the Battle Against Indwelling Sin
Priestly Anointing (September 6, 2020 PM)
The Good News of Divine Judgement (October 18, 2020 PM)
What is the Gospel? (January 17, 2021 PM)
Means of Grace for the Strengthening of Your Faith (February 7, 2021 PM)
How to Handle Disagreement in the Church (March 14, 2021 PM)
DESIRE: What Do You Desire? (Romans 1:18-25) (06.13.2021 AM)
Living in the Spirit: Where Heaven and Earth Meet (Romans 8:1-13) (07.18.2021 AM)
Living in the Spirit: The Struggle Against Sin (Romans 8:12-17) (08.08.2021 AM)
Living in the Spirit: Waiting with Patience (Romans 8:13-25) (08.08.2021 PM)
Confessing our Faith: The Only God (Romans 10:9-13) (4.24.2022 PM)
Confessing our Faith: How God Makes Himself Known (Romans 1-3) (5.22.2022 PM)